Personal Projects – Why, How… And how to make Money by doing them. 90-120 minute
presented by Bob Coates M.Photog.M.Artist.Cr., CPP EA-ASP
Sunday, March 2nd | 8:30AM
You got into photography because you liked it. Enjoyed the challenge of creating new images… Then you turned it into a business and photography wasn’t quite as much fun anymore. Marketing, sales, building websites, printing, framing, retouching started to suck the joy right out of your life. Personal Projects can get you juiced again and help your business too! Bob will show you how he used these ideas to make photography fun again and earn money while you are at it. This is a program of creative ideas and techniques along with simple business marketing. They go hand in hand to help put your business back on track to the joy you first felt before you turned photography into a business.
About Bob

Coates started taking photographs with an SLR borrowed from a friend for a vacation back in 1983. After successfully managing other peoples businesses for 14 years while photographing on the side, he decided to follow the quote “Do what you love and you will become a success.”
In March of 1994 Bob left the restaurant business and took the leap to become a professional photographer. According to Bob, “The wonderful thing about photography is the continual learning and growth. Every day is a new discovery, a new way of seeing and new way of processing images to see my reality come to life. In this business the variety never ceases to amaze me. One day shooting jewelry in the studio, the next day getting images for a brochure, the next capturing a personality and yet another standing in the middle of the desert waiting for the light to get “just so.”
Bob Coates Photography “Specializes in not specializing” this allows him to come up with interesting new ways of photographing subjects. Combining the techniques of different types of photography and Photoshop techniques leads to new ways capturing images. People who hire Bob Coates Photography do it not just for the expertise – but also for the experience brought to the job.
Published Magazines and Books: Caribbean Travel and Life, Cruise Travel, Scouting, Sedona Magazine, Kudos, Porthole, Realtor, Rangefinder, Shutterbug, Professional Photographer, Photo Electronic Imaging, New York Daily News Caribbeat, SignCraft, Sailing World and other magazines. Pro-Lighting Series: Nightshots, Pro-Lighting Series: Beauty Shots. Books published by Amherst Media written by Bob – Photographer’s Guide to Wedding Album Design & Sales and Strategies and Techniques for the Digital Photographer.
Photographer, educator and author, Bob Coates is based in Sedona, AZ. See his photographers web site – Check Bob’s photographic work out on his other web sites and Bob has Milky Way and Night Sky Photography Workshops and is available for mentoring.
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